Expander Enhancer Read Me ========================= Copyright ©1992-1996, Aladdin Systems, Inc. **Read the PictoGuide First! If you have trouble opening the PictoGuide, refer to the Troubleshooting section below.** DropStuff with Expander Enhancerª is copyrighted shareware software. You should not run the software until you have read the document called ÒLicense AgreementÓ. By running the software you signify that you agree to the terms of the License Agreement. This document contains instructions which will aid your understanding of Expander Enhancer (part of the DropStuff with Expander Enhancer ÒpackageÓ). Description ----------- The "Expander Enhancer" component of the DropStuff with Expander Enhancer package is actually a file named "StuffIt Engine". It has been installed in the Extensions folder of your System folder by the DropStuff with Expander Enhancer Installer. It is this StuffIt Engine that actually does the Stuffing when you drag something onto DropStuff. The StuffIt Engine also enhances our other program, StuffIt Expander. That's why we call it the Expander Enhancer! Expander Enhancer enables StuffIt Expander to expand files compressed and encoded with virtually every compression and encoding format found on the Macintosh, Unix systems, and IBM-PCs and compatibles. These include: ZIP (.zip), ARC (.arc), AppleLink (.pkg), gzip (.gz), Unix Compress (.Z), UUencode (.uu), Tar (.tar) and StuffIt SpaceSaver files. It will also join files that were segmented with another StuffIt product. StuffIt Expander will (with or without Expander Enhancer installed) expand StuffIt (.sit) and Compact Pro (.cpt) archives, and files ÒencodedÓ in BinHex (.hqx) and MacBinary (.bin) formats. The creation of StuffIt archives and BinHex files, as well as the expansion of StuffIt, Compact Pro, BinHex, ZIP, gzip, ARC, Unix Compress and UUencoded files will occur at accelerated speeds on a Power Macintosh (e.g., expansion of a sample StuffIt archive runs 5 times faster on a Power Macintosh 6100/60 than on a IIci). Installation ------------ When you run the ÒDropStuff w/EE InstallerÓ the StuffIt Engineª is installed in your Extensions Folder. If you did not use the installer, you should obtain it and reinstall the software. Requirements ------------ DropStuff is a System 7-only application. Expander Enhancer will empower StuffIt Expander under both System 6 and System 7. DropStuff with Expander Enhancer is Apple event aware, 32-bit clean, Ô040 cache and virtual memory compatible. Using Expander Enhancer ----------------------- After running the ÒDropStuff with Expander Enhancer Installer,Ó just drag & drop a file on DropStuff to Stuff it. Refer to the PictoGuide for additional details. For even more details on DropStuff, be sure to read ÒDropStuff Read MeÓ and ÒWhatÕs New in DropStuffÓ which should both be located in the same folder as this document. Since you have installed DropStuff with Expander Enhancer, you will notice that StuffIt Expander has the additional functionality mentioned earlier in this Read Me. If you are not running StuffIt Expander we recommend that you get a copy. After running the ÒStuffIt Expander Installer,Ó just drag & drop a compressed or encoded file on StuffIt Expander to expand it. Refer to the PictoGuide for additional details. For even more information, be sure to read the documentation located in the ÒRead Us First! FolderÓ in the ÒStuffIt Expander FolderÓ. Special Topics for Expander Enhancer ==================================== Scripting --------- All of the features in StuffIt Expander which are enhanced with Expander Enhancer (like decompressing ZIP, ARC, UUencoded files, etc.) are scriptable. Users of AppleScript and UserLand Frontier can control StuffIt Expander via the ÒExpandÓ event. Use the AppleScript Script EditorÕs ÒOpen DictionaryÓ command to view the information on the Expand event. Troubleshooting / Known Issues ------------------------------ * The PictoGuide is able to be opened by SimpleText, some versions of TeachText, and any application that can open PICT documents. If you have trouble opening the PictoGuide, your version of TeachText may be not be recent enough. The PictoGuide will print correctly on some printers, but not others. If the page breaks of the printed PictoGuide seem inaccurate, turn *off* ÒLarger Print AreaÓ in the Options dialog of ÒPage Setup...Ó and try reprinting. Certain Hewlett-Packard printers may not allow you to turn this option off; in this case, the printed PictoGuide will contain all the complete information, but the page breaks will be off. We hope that you wonÕt have any problems with DropStuff, but if you do you can contact Aladdin Systems. E-mail is the best way to get your technical questions answered. The Technical Support E-mail address is: tech.assist@aladdinsys.com. Contacting Aladdin Systems ========================== If you would like to register your copy of DropStuff with Expander Enhancer or you wish information about our other award-winning products (like StuffIt Deluxe, CyberFinder, Aladdin Desktop Tools or SITcomm), just ask us. For the quickest way to learn more about AladdinÕs products visit our Web site listed below. E-mail: America Online: Aladdin CompuServe: 75300,1666 Internet: cust.service@aladdinsys.com Internet Locations: Web: http://www.aladdinsys.com FTP: ftp://ftp.aladdinsys.com Address: Aladdin Systems, Inc. 165 Westridge Drive Watsonville, CA 95076 USA Phone: 408/761-6200 Fax: 408/761-6206 Expander Enhancer is shareware ============================== You may use DropStuff with Expander Enhancer for up to 15 days and pay nothing. After 15 days, you must register your shareware by sending Aladdin Systems $30. You can always give away the ÒDropStuff w/EE InstallerÓ. Register your shareware by E-mail, fax, mail, or phone. We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, checks, and money orders. U.S. funds only. Registration entitles you to the special prices on AladdinÕs commercial software products like SITcomm, StuffIt Deluxe, CyberFinder, and Aladdin Desktop Tools. Plus, youÕll have the satisfaction knowing that youÕre supporting one of the last bastions of trust, honesty, and good will in our society. Thank you for supporting shareware! A Message to Owners of other Aladdin Products ============================================= Registered owners of StuffIt Deluxe 3.0.7 or later, StuffIt SpaceSaver, and SITcomm, are _automatically_ registered when DropStuff with Expander Enhancer is installed. In other words, for those of you who currently own one of these products, thereÕs no need to send Aladdin a shareware registration fee. What is Shareware? ================== Shareware is software distributed via local bulletin board systems (BBS), commercial online services, user groups, and between friends. You are allowed to use shareware for a trial period before you pay for it, but you must pay for it after that time. Shareware exists because people (like you) continue to pay on this honor system. As a user of shareware, you benefit because you get to try the software to see if you like it before you pay. Some developers also give you added benefits when you pay for your shareware (like special deals on other products, and free technical support). We do. DropStuff with Expander Enhancer is shareware. Please share this software with every Mac user you know! But, PLEASE, give away the Installers only, not the individual files. In other words, share the ÒStuffIt Expander InstallerÓ and ÒDropStuff with Expander Enhancer InstallerÓ with your friends so that they get the complete software package. -THANKS!